Our Services

Eczema standard consultations/Telehealth
When you come into clinic our nurse practitioner will:
- Take a detailed health history;
- Look at your child’s skin and assess eczema features;
- Develop an eczema management plan;
- Provide advice on correct use of eczema treatments
(how much, how often, where and how to apply); - Arrange follow up and referral where necessary.
Children and parents are encouraged to try different skin products and choose the ones which best suit them. Samples are also available to take home.
Please allow up to 1 hour for your initial consultation.
Medicare rebates are available, no referral needed.

Eczema workshops are ideal for families wanting to learn more about managing eczema.
Our workshops cover:
- What is eczema?
- Things that can make eczema worse;
- How to manage eczema well;
- Correct use of eczema treatments;
- Commonly asked questions about allergy and eczema.
These sessions are available wherever you live. A Q&A will be included in each session so you are most welcome to ask me any questions about eczema and preventing food allergy.
Workshops are also available for healthcare providers.